The logo was created using the "Sheva" font, which I designed myself. The "Sheva" brand is Israeli and reflects our culture. Therefore, I aimed to create a logo that conveys some Israeli symbols, like the letter "ש," which resembles the Menorah, and the lower diacritic marks that resemble a cluster of grapes.
SHEVA FONT_The font is composed of quarter circles and straight lines. The letters ה, ע, צ, ש,  have an additional version resembling the icon of the logo. The brand’s logo is crafted from the "Sheva" font and also serves as a typographic element on the packaging, combined with imagery.
The images were created with the assistance of AI
The images were created with the assistance of AI
The images were created with the assistance of AI
The images were created with the assistance of AI
The images were created with the assistance of AI
The images were created with the assistance of AI
The copywriting As consumers, we don't always care about the fine print. Most of the time, we're buying the experience a product provides or the feeling it brings with it—the social standing or status symbol that comes along. The text on products operates on two levels simultaneously. On the surface, it’s enticing and alluring, playing on our desires and consumer impulses. But on a deeper level, it carries a layer of critique and cynicism, exposing the persuasive mechanisms within the advertising world. The brand Sheva invites consumers to experience a layered journey—to be swept up in the allure but also to recognize the manipulation behind it. The idea is to provoke thought and reflect the consumer reality we live in.
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